The Electronic Hip-hop Funky Soul Breaks band. We are between good and evil but outside of right and wrong. What we are in reality conflicts perception; we are simply indecipherable through conventional thought process. Simply listen to the music and draw your own conclusions about who we are.
Band Members
A_Rival Skillion -
The deadly dissector of the digit, A_Rival finds pleasure in creating dangerous, infectious beats to cause massive internal damage in whack beats and downright crappy music. Self-taught and completely self-sufficient, this extra-terrestrial will stop at nothing to assault dance floors with his deadly weaponry.
Digimatic Skillion -
Caged in time, this xenomorph transcends the continuum through the use of vintage analog synths and eons-ahead rhythms. Never afraid to experiment, Digimatic enjoys recording random Earth objects and decimating them into crsipy hexidecimal montages of sonic perfection.
Bios Skillion -
Bios is the direct descendant of the first life form ever born on Planet Skill soil. His methods are more than 3,000,000 years old and have been honed consistently throughout all progression of known life. His eccentric technique is so deviant from the norm that common humans have trouble grasping it.
J:/Drive Skillion -
J:/Drive was exposed to classical music post-haste after touching down on Earth. his delicate musical proficiency is rivaled only by the sheer ferocity of his thunderous vocal rhymeplay. Almost demon-like with the sheer maliciousness of his lyrics, J:/Drive surprises many with his meticulous technical prowess.
Circuit Skillion -
Spin is such a simple word. A synthetic, such as Circuit, goes far beyond conventional rotation and redefines every axis with his gravitational centrifuge control. He currently applies his AI to a set of Earth objects sometimes referred to as "the wheels of steel".
Yes we do play live. We play all over the states.
Even though we claim to be out of this world, in all actuality, we are just some down to earth guys from the San Francisco Bay Area. We're just a grass roots band working our way up from the bottom, learning what we can, and experimenting with what we think sounds good. Like any normal Joe, we all have jobs, girl problems and issues of our own. There is no better high or stress reliever than when we all get together and start jamming. Everybody has some thing they do to get away from the world. We chose what came natural to us; we chose music.
We enjoy what we do and we take our work seriously. Some people aren't going to like it, but for those who will, we appreciate your support.