
August 05, 2004
2,245 plays
Hey there, come in, sit down and listen to my weird musical ejaculations.
Band/artist history
Skoshu, aka Joshu Skowronek, is a 19-year old Barbarian from Germania. His birth was spectacular to begin with: He had somehow managed to manufacture a high quality electric guitar with maple neck and a Floyd Rose vibrato system during the 9 months inside the womb. Needless to say his mother perished during the unorthodox and complicated birth. However, this was not the time to mourn. Josh was alive and finally out there, ready to rock out real hard. Immediately, he jumped out of the window and attached his guitar to a huge oak, aware of the massive amounts of natural amplification it would offer. His ripping trademark guitar solo, wildly resonating in the giant tree and thus blasted throughout the whole of Europe, would be cited as "God's Guitar Solo" in upcoming days by the puzzled public. Suffice it to say that this was merely the exposition, not the climax of his wicked adventures. But eventually, there was a point where Josh had to realise that he had ventured all the extremes earth had to offer. He concluded that the final challenge would await in the realm of mediocrity, a place alien to him. There is no time to lose, he thought, packed his belongings and took off. And there he is today, sitting on his stinky lathe, blotted with 20 different kinds of fast food, lethargically placing notes in his sequencer in a quest for ultimate genericness. However, he has not completely succeeded yet, and you might still find fragments of his early glory when quarrying through his mixes. So better hurry.
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