
Grindin' *unreleased*
an unreleased track..unfinished..MCD first followed by Shifty....

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Comments (14)
Hi, I`m a Rapper & make a mixtape. I like your Style, your Beatz are very TIGHT! Please contact me at (
I pay also for Beatz, Peace!
Yo nice music you got skills on tha mic !! make sure to check out my new track feat. Robotic called Fantasy ( Shake Your But Wit Me ) and vote it hot !!!!
yo thats real , yeah keep doin ya thang , u earn hot votes , let me know what ya feel bout my tracks , dont forget to vote
this site is mad old people...
yo man your sh*** is wack im the real mcd thats my initials an ive been in this game longer than you u dont flow but hell im not sayin youll nvr get better yea keep it up but by the time u get good il already be known 4 my sh*** so maybee u should change your name if u dont by the time i put sum of my sh*** on hurr im cuttin u up sry thats the way i am an thats what happens when the real mcd stands up an steps to the mic
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