Desperate Minds consist of Marit-Helene Dahl and Knut Erik Olsen, supported by songwriter Morten Maehre.
Formed in 2004, Desperate Minds have already made an impact in the local community, selling out our 60 copies of the acoustic demo "In black & white" in no time. Response has been great, and we'll do more live gigs this fall.
We play live occasionally, but are always looking for more gigs. We'll fit it into our tight schedule somehow. ;)
We're all from different musical backgrounds (from heavy metal to folk and country music), but the band Desperate Minds is inspired by such great artists/songwriters as Maria McKee, Tom Russell, John Prine and Katy Moffatt.
I hope you will enjoy our music. If you do, let us know. If you dislike it, let us know, too. Constructive criticism highly appreciated. :)