Four catholic boys, with a penchant for music and true devotees of the Sunday Morning Mass, heralded the spirit of the parish choir. They sung their praises to the Lord above and lifted the courage of the clergy below. However, their goodwill notwithstanding, the ?solemnly-high? priests banished these bachelors from the cathedral, citing safety for the fairly outgoing catholic women.
The judgment was harsh. It?s repercussions, even severe. These four catholic boys are now on a mission to save the church from the impious hands that raise the chalice. They are out to defy the very establishments that support the walls of spiritual impediment. Or have they used too many words to get to the point and whoop that Roman Catholic ass???
Meet ?Aftertaste?, the antidote to a lukewarm regiment of traditional practices passing under the fa?ade of religion. A brave new front fighting against the pretense of preachers while making every parochial house dance to their tunes of their hymns. The purpose: To serve the Lord with all their heart and their weapon of choice: ?sound?. For the past two and a half years, these missionaries have led the crusade by touching the lives of people across the country.
It?s been a journey that has borne witness to the communion of four God-fearing souls. With Michael Lee pounding an ?all-strings-attack? on the stained glasses of corruption. Ruel Barretto, slapping the faces of the stiff-upper-lipped with some flavour-filled funk. Keegan Pereira, sermonizing the congregation with candid confessions of a catholic rebel. Levin Mendes, exorcizing the demons out of the monastery while pounding those tribal beats. And last but not the least is the new found sheep in the flock, a staunch convert and the first of the many to follow, Amit Bharadwaj a.k.a. Dj Mit, who will scuff and polish the edges of this newly baptized band.
Together, this act of faith will demolish the vices of the vatican with a brand of music that will anoint the deacons and salvage them from the pagans of society. And as they stand on the pulpit of the Lord, these apostles will plead the blood of thy saviour, lift themselves into his hands and rapture the audience with an aftertaste that will be longed for and looked forward to in its second coming. Amen.