The Therapy Sisters

14 top 50
34 songs
17.5K plays
Picture for song 'I Just Wanna be an Outlaw' by artist 'The Therapy Sisters'

I Just Wanna be an Outlaw

Legislating love? Absurd. What's a Lone Star lesbian folksinger to do? Lampoon, of course.

Acoustic General

Picture for song 'Tying the Knot in Vermont' by artist 'The Therapy Sisters'

Tying the Knot in Vermont

Whipped cream song about a skim-milk marriage. I'm sure there's a cherry in there somewhere.

Comedy - Political Humor

Picture for song 'Jesus and Jesus (read: Hey-sus)' by artist 'The Therapy Sisters'

Jesus and Jesus (read: Hey-sus)

Inspired by Jon Stewart and The Daily Show, where most of us get our news, this song juxtaposes our devotion to our chosen deity with our treatment of our neighbor to the south.

Acoustic Folk

Picture for song 'Bare Arms' by artist 'The Therapy Sisters'
Picture for song 'Work Like You Don't Need the Money' by artist 'The Therapy Sisters'

Work Like You Don't Need the Money

Acoustic Folk


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