The Alpha Male is me Jon Howard.I finally released the Middleman Ep. I have sold a couple hundred of them so I have the loot to work on the nex record I have 3 songs written for the new one and I hope to have it done and ready in a few months. I want to put out a record every Quarter so I can barrage people in my hometown with crap they dont want to listen to anyhow kinda like what Daniel Johnston did now that I think about it.
I got tired of getting kicked out of bands for drinking to much or fighting the band while drunk. So over the years I learned to record music and started multitracking songs that I wrote. I get to play all instruments and that cuts out the middle man .
aye.I can play live it just wont be entertaining.
Minutemen , Shellac , Polvo , CCR , GWAR , Naked City , Mono , The Wack Trucks , Firehose , Fugazi , June of 44 , PRINCE , to many to list.
I use premier drums a 68 fender music master bass , some guitar i have a 63 7 channel kustom tube drivin pa board all ran into a four track that runs into my computer .