Merry and Pippin
top 50
As Weirs Go Dry
Beware the giant sucking sound... a parody of the Rolling Stones 'As Tears Go By'. Guitar by KT.
Mild Courses
A parody of the Rolling Stones' 'Wild Horses'. A sad saga of Pippin's digestive woes, featuring the deathless vocals of Merry and guitar work by KT...
Fifty Ways to P*ss Off PETA
PETA will be fuuuur-i-ous over our roasting of their favorite animals in this parody of Paul Simon's 'Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover'...
Stuck with My Own Superglue
You may get quite 'attached' to this parody of Stealers Wheel's 'Stuck in the Middle with You'.
Parc an Venton
This was Merry's entry to the Parc an Venton song parody contest (in which entrants had to write a parody using the phrase 'When the Corne is out of Parc an Venton').
Show all (20)
Hello! Merry and Pippin are parody writers. We hope you enjoy our parodies of popular songs from the 50s thru 00s.
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Comments (12)
Just listened to "Hens" for SOTM. Hilarious; loved the quick switch to "background vocals". Well done.
Nothing a long bath and some time away won't help. You're nuts. And that's good.
I know all of the original songs & I think I like your versions better! My favorites are, of course, "My Menstruental Friend" & "Turning Siamese" but I really love them all! I think my favorite part was when Pippin screwed up the lyrics - "fockin' hell!" Ah, those Aussies! So expressive!
aka mandamoo (don't ask !!!). I love it ! Is there no end to your talents ? What a great voice you have Pip ! As for Merry, you can sing ! You have a lovely voice. Me...I couldn't hold a tune to save my life ! Your lyrics translate brilliantly !!! :-D
I'd say letter "b" was my favorite of the three... possibly because it was the only one I actually know the original tune to. And i liked pippin's scat singing and singing in general even though i don't think he could get a recording deall on vocal talent he still sings better than i do.
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