i use fruity loops. people describe me as: indie, electronic, video games, synthy.

Square One
this song is for my ex girlfriend mikayla. i love her with all my heart and wish that this bullshit had never come between us. i love you mikayla.

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i make music with fruity loops. demo version. because im too poor to buy the real thing. its all ive done for like a year and a half. i have an assload of songs. listen to the them, download them if you want, i dont care.
Band/artist history
uuuh, nope.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
i cant play live. yet. its only me and id need some crazy drum machine or midi stuff or something. none of which i have. yet.
Your musical influences
the postal service, the roots of orchis, little cat, sabrepulse, saskrotch, umm, afx, my older songs.
What equipment do you use?
hah, fruity loops and audacity. thats it. i actually use my guitar a tiny bit now though with this lame little mic that came with my parents computer in 1998.
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Comments (2)
really enjoyed flowers and marionette......some super fun stuff going on here..........still listening to marioinette - some real heavy bass to it, love it - like the strings in the upper octave too nice tempo. I'm starting to mess me FL too - the music I've posted here isn't so electronically influenced but I'm trying to merge acoustic/pop with the electro - take a listen if you like - maybe we could work on something together........peace
great music, very impressive!
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