(A)fficial (P)roductions

Picture for song 'Contackt' by artist '(A)fficial (P)roductions'


Hip Hop

Picture for song 'Deal with a feelin'' by artist '(A)fficial (P)roductions'

Deal with a feelin'

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'Peace ov mind' by artist '(A)fficial (P)roductions'

Peace ov mind

'Your gift is what ur blessed with...find it...use it..and dont stress shit.'

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'U Had 2 Know' by artist '(A)fficial (P)roductions'

U Had 2 Know

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'Streetlevel pt. II' by artist '(A)fficial (P)roductions'

Streetlevel pt. II

Motion picture sH#$ ... sounds like it 2 me

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'Dedicated to . . .' by artist '(A)fficial (P)roductions'

Dedicated to . . .

its like...u want to be pissed off, but sametime, u cant, cuz u know ur wrong, so u just gotta deal with it, and keepitmoving ...its a thin like between hate and respect, something like that.

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'A touch of Jazz' by artist '(A)fficial (P)roductions'

A touch of Jazz

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'All day Ey day' by artist '(A)fficial (P)roductions'

All day Ey day

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'True story' by artist '(A)fficial (P)roductions'

True story

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'Tha Vapors 06'' by artist '(A)fficial (P)roductions'

Tha Vapors 06'

The none luv ... u feel it, dont u

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'Backonmygrizzly' by artist '(A)fficial (P)roductions'


So uhh ... yeah, its like uhh, u know...not how far you fall but how much you bounce back. something like that.

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'Won't Stop' by artist '(A)fficial (P)roductions'

Won't Stop

I cant stop cuz i wont stop so i dont stop, so on and so forth, etc. etc.

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'Funkmode' by artist '(A)fficial (P)roductions'


Hip Hop

Picture for song 'All a'sudden' by artist '(A)fficial (P)roductions'

All a'sudden

"smooth but rugged and like money you love it..."


Picture for song 'Thats Allright' by artist '(A)fficial (P)roductions'

Thats Allright

No problem

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'Make u believe' by artist '(A)fficial (P)roductions'

Make u believe

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'Chin Up' by artist '(A)fficial (P)roductions'

Chin Up

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'Off top' by artist '(A)fficial (P)roductions'

Off top

Hip Hop

Picture for song 'MarshallGetsSomeSoul' by artist '(A)fficial (P)roductions'


Hip Hop

Picture for song 'The D' by artist '(A)fficial (P)roductions'

The D

Hip Hop