Dan Bressler

Disney Magic Mash Up
Some of your favorite Disney Magic Kingdom music all compiled into one piece I created on my keyboard. See if you can name all of the themes!

Old Friends
This music was created specifically for a project that Kevin E. Davis was working on. He's an amazingly talented Etch-A-Sketch artist whose work can be viewed here: www.etchartist.com/

Very triumphant orchestral fanfare. I've had this orchestral tune stuck in my head for years... inspired by Superman, Star Trek, Galaxy Quest, and Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Classical Piece

Electrical Parade
My own rendition of the classic favorite Main Street Electrical Parade.

Great relaxing song I wrote... also watch the YouTube video I created using this piece... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6JvMAjp-AU

Time's Up
Very intense, stressful piece - should be used for suspenseful scene in any dramatic film or video.


Winter Games
I've loved this song ever since high school, and I've played it on the piano for the last 18 years. This is my rendition of it, and please forgive the quality... my synth is very limited in how many notes it can handle at one time.

Cloud 9

Downton Abbey
LOVE this theme music, so I created my own version of it. Those of you who enjoy the show will definitely enjoy listening to this.