Started out playing clarinet and soprano-saxophone in different dixielandbands in Uppsala and Stockholm, Sweden, in the 50ies, when I went to college. After that occasionally touring northen Sweden playing swing-based dancemusic a la Benny Goodman for a couple of years, when I studied at the university in Uppsala. After that more or less musically "silent" for more than 25 years concentrating on family and work.
In the mid 90ies I seriously took up music-making again and I have bit by bit build up a computer-based homestudio - primarily for my own entertainment and without any intention to make my work public. My music is purely synthetic. My instruments and musicians normally only exist as voices in computers and synthesizers. As I am to a certain extent still playing the old standard jazz-tunes, I try to give my recordings an acoustic blend. My goal is to create the impression of real musicians playing together on real instruments in a realistic accoustic environment.
Not at the moment. But I sometimes miss it. After all, an important part of music-making is the interaction with the other members of the band and with the audience. On the other hand, in my studio I am the boss. No arguing with the other members about how to play a song.
Jazz in general starting with New Orleans and the dixieland-revival in the 50ies, blues, swing. Lately folksongs with a touch of jazz.
Thank you for visiting and I hope you will ENJOY THE MUSIC !!
... and if you like what you hear, bookmark this page and come back! If the response to my music is good, you will regularly find new MP3-songs uploaded. The genre and style may vary but the songs will all be downloadable.
His Masters Choice (Sweden) is a trademark of His Masters Music Productions