Art Sulger Plays 12-String Guitars

Greenville, SC  USA
May 04, 2004
88,193 plays
I started playing a Gibson B45 12-string guitar in the 60's up in the Northeast USA...Boston, Cape Code, Albany, my home town, and New York City, where I was born. Real life intruded, and, yada-yada-yada, here we are in the 21st century down South in Greenville, South Carolina. I still play that Gibson 12-string, now a well-worn instrument, and also have some newer puppies - 2 Taylor 12-strings. Listen to them on I hope you enjoy my music. Some are new compositions, some are arrangements of old tunes. Constructing forms of sounds that go together perhaps in ways that no other music before is difficult, but the results are often rewarding. I work on some pieces for years before I'm happy with them. For example, Wildwood Flower is one of the first tunes that a 'folkie' finds when first learning the guitar. But just recently I picked it up again and added a little interlude. Candyman is another fingerpicker's delight. I've been playing it for 40 years, gradually building it up from several versions and adding some spicey new additions. Always happy to hear how you like the tunes, so email me or post to the message board if you get the urge. Happy listening! P.S. If you are a 12-string player, check out my 12-string diary at . I try to share some of my adventures in recording, playing, and learning about this great instrument. Also join me at my.soundclick page
Your musical influences
Charlie Parker, Robert Johnson, Sam Lightnin' Hopkins, Keith Jarret, Liz Storey, JS Bach, Erik Satie, Pierre Bensusan, Kaki King, Preston Reed, John Fahey, Michael Hedges, Mississipi John Hurt, Leo Kottke
What equipment do you use?
Gibson B45-12, 1963 Taylor 355 from the 21st Century Taylor LKSM from early 21st Century Matched pair of Oktava MC-012 microphones from Sound room Real Nice Pre from FMR Audio, Linux ALSA hosting M-Audio 2496 Audiophile
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