Kontraband (USA)

KONTRABAND is a rap / hip-hop group of four urban male rap artist from the Mid-West who combine soul, vivid lyrics and bomb beats to get their message across.

3 songs
2.7K plays
Picture for song 'I Like The Way' by artist 'Kontraband (USA)'

I Like The Way

We on this one talkin' bout dem straight up freaks that be dancin' in dem shake jointz.

Hip Hop General

Picture for song 'Humpty Dumpty' by artist 'Kontraband (USA)'

Humpty Dumpty

"Humpty Dumpty" slang for a big butt, is a very smooth soulful jam with a party feel.

Hip Hop General

Picture for song 'Robbery In Progress' by artist 'Kontraband (USA)'

Robbery In Progress

Robbery In Progress is not your ordinary hardcore rap song. It sucks the listener into the action in realtime and keeps the energy high and in the first person perspective. This is the greatest audio bank heist to date.

Hardcore Rap

KONTRABAND, a talented urban rap group from Cincinnati,OH was founded in 1999. The group touches on issues like the growing tension between the police and black citizens of Cincinnati to big booty girls and baby mama drama. The album was appropiatly entitled [Real Life Livin]. Click on MP3's and let Kontraband paint a vivid portrait of Cincinnati's ill streets, fast women, blood money and the power.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
We have performed in the Cincinnati area at local night clubs and numerous locally promoted park venues. We love to give a good show and the people love us in return. I've made it a habit to break the ice by singing a little before the first song. The funny thing is I can't sing so that always gets a good laugh.
Your musical influences
My musical influences are UGK,Rap-A-Lot,Suave House and my mother for getting me involved in music at a young age.


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