Verbal Chemistry
The gift of words I'm rippin it open, translate written to spoken... Download Album: 52 iV.O.R.T.H. (7/24/2021)
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7. Im So Alive... (Love Rose Up)

1. The Birth (Love Rose Up)

2. A Thousand Scars (Love Rose Up)

3. Set It Straight (Love Rose Up)

4. G.H.O.S.T. (Love Rose Up)
Show all (105)
The Vision and the Ministry (Updated Saturday January 9th 2021)
We are all blessed with talents and gifts and as Christians, our purpose in life is to glorify God first and foremost, as well as to bless others with the gifts that God has given us. It's hard to realize the talents you have until others help confirm them to you. I believe revelation comes from God Himself and confirmation comes from/through man. God has given me a passion for rapping and poetry (Therapy - Prayeth - They Rap) and a burden for today's youth. With that, He has given me a vision to preach the sermons that He has laid on my heart in hip-hop (Holy Inspired Praise - Healing Our People) format, a sermon that can relate to young kids and our current generation.
In order to effect (affect) change, we need to transform the mind's of our youths because they are the ones that will change the world. The moral decline of our nation (and world) calls for drastic measures. We need to reach our youths and bring them back to the path of righteousness and purity. God has called me and I have answered Him. He has given me a vision and I have taken the step of faith. With the help of the church, the body of believers, a great impact will be made if the youth can get their ears tuned in to the lyrics that God has inspired me to write for Him (to advance the Kingdom of God). I'm ready to stretch God (or Im ready for God to stretch me) to the limit with this ministry and I know that He will answer my call because He has promised me that if I call to Him, He will answer me and show me "great and unsearchable things that I did not know (Jeremiah 33:3).
My ministry is called Words That Build because the words we speak are so powerful. The world speaks words that kill and tear apart, and I'm here to speak words that encourage, heal, and build. The tongue is one of the most powerful weapons we have. Forget about weapons of mass destruction; if people spoke words of love and actually loved their neighbors, would there even be wars? We are all accountable for the words we speak and I have made up my mind to not let any "unwholesome talk come out of my mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it will benefit those who listen (Ephesaians 4:29).
My vision is that every youth (or everyone young at heart) in America and even worldwide (made possible through the internet) will have access or an opportunity to listen to the ministry of Verbal Chemistry starting with my very first album, "His Favor, My Offering," because the words I speak are not my own. The words I speak are from Jesus Christ and are life changing.
"Divine inspiration...Christ gave His blood, I give my perspiration, combined with patience, my lyrics will nurse the nation back to health. Verbal Chemistry
Band/artist history music from start to finish speaks about the journey. I am daily growing, learning, confessing, repenting, asking for forgiveness, receiving forgiveness, loving others and receiving love. Its been a beautiful journey since day one, before I even entered my mothers womb. Rest well Queen Elizabeth Akosuah Asantewah Tutua Mireku Boye. (wink)
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I've preached to the choir for too long...It's time to head out into the world. I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. Matthew 10:16
Your musical influences
The Spiritual Gift of Verbal Chemistry given to me by the Holy Spirit. My biggest influence is my burden for this fatherless generation to know our Heavenly Father, the Creator, through relationship with Gods only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, empowered by His Holy Spirit.
What equipment do you use?
The Full Armor of God and the Sword of the Spirit.
Anything else?
My Vital Number is Roman 8:16 (born 8/16)
The Spirit Himself testifies with my spirit that I am a child of God.
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Comments (281)
Amazing song!
Nice tracks.
yo what it do man! keep reppin Jesus Christ! if you need beats holla at me at i got some west coast flava and crunk style....$50 me if you feel any of it and we can build ! peace fam!
Hey fam! Watch Ya Step, My Darkest Hour, and Prayer for My Unborn Child are available for free download on my page!
Also check out my myspace page at
Thanks for the support!
Peace in Christ!
Hi, I`m a Rapper & make a mixtape. I like your Style, your Beatz are very TIGHT! Please contact me at (
I pay also for Beatz, Peace!
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