Third Person

Singer songwriter with a twist or two.

1 top 50
2 songs
26.0K plays
Picture for song 'Eleanor Rigby' by artist 'Third Person'

Eleanor Rigby

Cover Songs

Picture for song 'She Likes to Rock' by artist 'Third Person'

She Likes to Rock

Rockin Bluesish, Reggae kindof thing

Other Alternative

I have been playing and writing for thirty+ years. Taught myself to play what ever instrument I can get my paws on! Love the process of building a song and then recording it myself!
Band/artist history
Its hard to have a history when you play everything yourself!
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Hosted several open mic's over the years. Also a founding member of Dead Pink & the Gratefullfloyd. Also on SoundClick!
Your musical influences
Everyone from Pink Floyd to Elvis.
What equipment do you use?
Roland, Cakewalk, Marshall, Fender..


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