Acoustic Singer Songwriter.
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Derek Olivero, guitarist,singer/songwriter,has been playing guitar since age seven,He has a creative edge to his music. With his Chet Atkins Nylon String and a Gibson Les Paul, he moves across genres with fluidity and style. Derek has released two CDs with his band, entitled Outland and Hiding. He is presently working on an independent project For 2020 Release
Band/artist history
I Started Writing Songs At Age 13 With Dave DeRaineri In Brooklyn ny In the 70's
We recorded on an old Tape Machine In his parents Attic..
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Love performing Live.Theres Nothing Like it
Your musical influences
To many to list
What equipment do you use?
I use Gibson les Paul,Prs Guitars,chet atkins nylon,Vintage ibanez artist,
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Comments (30)
Happy Holidays!! I just signed up at and I have to find BELIEVERS in my music. If you like my music. Buy a part of my music. 10 bucks and you will be part of my music. So check it out the site explains it better than i do. But if you could help me out that be great. Thanks. And please pass on the link to people u think will like my material.
Jenae Johnson
Have my new song "ROCK IS MY ROOTS" Id love if you had some time to take a listen to my new song. I also resang with my new producer JINTING in the studio and she made me sound awsome no bad notes on "IF I BELIEVE" " DEAR JIMMY" " THE TREES" so if you have time listen to the new updated versions of the song.
I am just copying and pasting this message to people already on my message board. Just a quick update :) of my album. Currently I am recutting everything and writting new material and getting new players to add lap steele, and much more. So take a listen. and if you have some new stuff ill take a listen to yours as well.
Great work, checked you out from browsing the accoustic rock charts. some great stuff here.
Keep it up!
If you get a moment please check out my songs and let me know what you think.
thanks :)
nice acoustic work. Maybe adjust the levels a bit.
I just uploaded my new song WANT ME TO BE its just a clipping but I would love to hear what you think of it :) I am trying a new direction musicially and I really want to know what people think of it right now at the stage its in. Thanks so much and feel free to listen to more of my other songs if you have the time.
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