
Acoustic Singer Songwriter.

5 top 50
19 songs
18.2K plays
Picture for song 'Sorrow' by artist 'DerekOlivero'
Picture for song 'out' by artist 'DerekOlivero'
Picture for song 'The Road Is long' by artist 'DerekOlivero'

The Road Is long


Acoustic Guitar

Picture for song 'Black Light' by artist 'DerekOlivero'

Black Light

Acoustic Guitar

Picture for song 'your eyes' by artist 'DerekOlivero'
Derek Olivero, guitarist,singer/songwriter,has been playing guitar since age seven,He has a creative edge to his music. With his Chet Atkins Nylon String and a Gibson Les Paul, he moves across genres with fluidity and style. Derek has released two CDs with his band, entitled Outland and Hiding. He is presently working on an independent project For 2020 Release
Band/artist history
I Started Writing Songs At Age 13 With Dave DeRaineri In Brooklyn ny In the 70's We recorded on an old Tape Machine In his parents Attic..
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Love performing Live.Theres Nothing Like it
Your musical influences
To many to list
What equipment do you use?
I use Gibson les Paul,Prs Guitars,chet atkins nylon,Vintage ibanez artist,


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