

4 songs
58 plays
Picture for song 'Moon' by artist 'Willmuch'
Picture for song 'Cheesesteak' by artist 'Willmuch'


FAT BOOMBAP BEAT (Style M.O.P, KRS-ONE, Kool G Rap...)

$30 Hip Hop 84 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'Vagrancy' by artist 'Willmuch'


Beat Boombap à l'ambiance très Dark (Vinnie Paz, Mobb Deep, Kool G Rap, Jedi Mind Tricks ...) L'intro commence sur un son de Tape bien dégueulasse pour ensuite arriver brutalement sur le BEAT Bpm 92.71 Intro (8bars) - VERS (16bars) - REF (8bars)x

$30 Hip Hop 93 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'JMJ' by artist 'Willmuch'


Beat Boombap style New York. Des scratch originaux ont été enregistrés en appui sur le Beat pour accentué le coté Classic du Beat. Intro (8 bars) - Vers (16 Bars) - REF (8 Bars) Kick it !!!!!!!!

$30 Hip Hop 90 BPM 4/4

No audio tag
2,500 sales
10,000 streams
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No audio tag
5,000 sales
50,000 streams
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MP3 + WAV + Trackout
No audio tag
25,000 sales
500,000 streams
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MP3 + WAV + Trackout
No audio tag
Unlimited sales
Unlimited sales
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MP3 + WAV + Trackout
No audio tag
Unlimited sales
Unlimited sales
Exclusive rights
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MP3 file
WAV file
Audio tags
Sales limit
Paid streams limit
Publishing split
Must credit producer
Exclusive rights
License duration
12 months
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12 months
Buy 1 get 1 free
12 months
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24 months
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36 months
Why would I need a license?
A license is needed if you want to use the music for anything else than just listening for your pleasure. Typical uses are
  • freestyling over a beat
  • licensing music for use in TV or for a movie
  • remixing or use audio samples
What are the license options and what are the differences between those?
We offer up to 5 license templates (Basic, Premium, Track Out, Unlimited, Exclusive) and it's up to the artist which ones he/she wants to make available. Each license comes with different perks. In general, the higher the price, the better the perks.
You can click on each feature on the left side of the comparison chart above to learn more about each one.
When will I get the track I purchased?
You can download all related files immediately after your purchase. We also email you a one-time download link for a download later.
How can I remove the audio tag from the track?
A "tagged beat" is a demonstration version of an instrumental that contains distinct audio watermarks that typically play throughout the entire track. The purpose of a producer tagging his/her instrumental is to prevent piracy and to encourage serious recording artists to purchase a license.
To get a tag-free audio please make sure you purchase a license which features "untagged audio".
I purchased a $1 download, why is the beat still tagged?
Beats purchased for $1 in our store are meant for streaming and demo use only, just like downloads from iTunes store or Amazon music.
To license a beat without audio tag and to use in a professional manner please buy a license from this page. Usually those are $25 and up.
What is a stem / trackout file?
A Stem file is an audio file that contains a track split into several musical elements: A drums stem, a bassline stem, a harmony stem, and a lead stem for example.
The Stem file also usually includes the original stereo master of the track for standard playback.
Why would I need a stem / trackout file?
A trackout file gives you much better control. Imagine you rap over a beat and you realize the percussions take the focus away from your vocals. With a trackout file you can simply tone down the percussion and the focus is now on the vocals. With a trackout file you have much more flexibility and a whole different level of control.
- Deejay et Hip-Hop producer actif de la scène Rap Parisienne. - Membre actif du collectif Owaza. - Enseignant à la SAE Institute Paris au pôle Music Producer. - Deejay à la Radio Fréquence Paris Pluriel pour l'émission ''Riposte Live''. - Producer et ingénieur du son au MTEE Studios Paris. Je produis des Beats Hip-Hop (Boombap , Trap , Drill & G-South) depuis maintenant 10 ans.
Band/artist history
Mon premier contact avec la culture Hip-Hop fut d'abord avec le turntablisme. Bercé par le Hip-Hop du Bronx au début des années 90, j'ai rapidement voulu produire mes propres beats. J'ai d'abord commencé à séquencer sur MPC 2000 XL et sur SP404 mes premiers beats Boombap, formant mon oreille, J'ai par la suite suivi un cursus dans l'audio engineering. Actif depuis 10 ans dans le milieu du rap underground parisien (Open Mic, Scratch Contest, B-Boy Mixset), j'ai à l'heure d'aujourd'hui mon propre studio à Paris pour produire mes propres artistes. *My first contact with Hip-Hop culture was first with turntablism. Lulled by Bronx Hip-Hop in the early 90s, I quickly wanted to produce my own beats. I first started sequencing my first Boombap beats on the MPC 2000 XL and on the SP404, training my ears. I then followed a course in audio engineering. Active for 10 years in the Parisian underground rap scene (Open Mic, Scratch Contest, B-Boy Mixset) I currently have my own studio in Paris to produce my own artists.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Bien sûr, Je Mix actuellement pour plusieurs artistes et collectif de la scène rap française (Owaza, Swift Guad , Grodash, Tracy De Sà...) La scène étant pour moi un redoutable moyen de tester l'énergie de sa musique. Mon moment préféré est sans nul doute quand je teste mes Beats en Openmic. *Of course, I currently mix for several artists and collectives from the French rap scene (Owaza, Swift Guad, Grodash, Tracy De Sà...) The stage being for me a formidable way to test the energy of his music. My favorite moment is without a doubt when I test my Beats in Openmic.
Your musical influences
Mes influences sont multiples, J'ai voulu explorer tous les aspects séquentiels du Boombap new-yorkais, depuis 2009 , je produit forcement de la Trap , depuis peut je teste les codes du Drill de Chicago et je produit récemment du G-Funk. *My influences are multiple, I wanted to explore all the sequential aspects of New York Boombap, since 2009 I have been producing Trap, since then I have been testing the codes of Chicago Drill and I recently produced G-Funk.
What equipment do you use?
Je produit aujourd'hui sur Maschine & Ableton , je possède un SP404 MKII pour salir mes drums de temps en temps , je sors mes basse avec un Sub37 de Moog. Je produis également des scratch sur une paire de PDX de Vestax et une S7 de Pioneer . *I produce today on Maschine & Ableton, I have an SP404 MKII to dirty my drums from time to time, I take out my bass with a Moog Sub37. I also produce scratches on a pair of Vestax PDXs and a Pioneer S7.
Anything else?
Je fais également du REC et du mix de morceaux à mon studio. Si vous cherchez un mix à distance, je suis à votre disposition par contact sur ce mail : muchzone@icloud.com I also do REC and mixing of tracks at my studio. If you are looking for a remote mix, I am at your disposal by contact on this email: muchzone@icloud.com
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