The Bumbling Morons

Comedy and serious songs all around. Mainly light fun songs

4 top 50
36 songs
244 plays
Picture for song 'TikTok Time Warp' by artist 'The Bumbling Morons'

TikTok Time Warp


Picture for song 'Facebook Frenzy' by artist 'The Bumbling Morons'

Facebook Frenzy

Rock General

Picture for song 'Femme Fatale Fiasco featuring Transbian Undergroun' by artist 'The Bumbling Morons'

Femme Fatale Fiasco featuring Transbian Undergroun

We made the beat but Kitsune of Transbian Underground Death Railroad was the one who rapped on this track. We agree with what she said though. Fuck Donald Trump

Transbian Underground Death Railroad /collab #41 in Battles/Disses

Picture for song 'Fleeting Moments' by artist 'The Bumbling Morons'

Fleeting Moments

This song for everyone who was born in the 80's and 90's that had young love in the late 90's and 2000's

Pop Rock

Picture for song 'To The Nerds, Geeks, And Freaks' by artist 'The Bumbling Morons'

To The Nerds, Geeks, And Freaks

Progressive Rock

Okay so this group consists of people who were part of other various musical projects and decided to create this group but we are just a bunch of bumbling morons. Hence the name of the group. albums so far Straight Outta Ideas (2024) Still Not Knowing What We're Doing (2024)
Band/artist history
We all have done other musical projects in the past. But for this one we decided to come up with the most ridiculous concepts with a few other people and write whatever songs we wanted
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Your musical influences
What equipment do you use?
the usual types


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