Lee Harvey

14 top 50
18 songs
345 plays
Picture for song 'E minor improvisation' by artist 'Lee Harvey'

E minor improvisation

An improvisation in E minor using the DIVID ORGAN TONE preset on a Boss GT1

#8 in Riffs and Licks

Picture for song 'Bm Improvisation' by artist 'Lee Harvey'

Bm Improvisation

Saturday morning pre swimming pool trip improvisation in B minor for my silly mental health.

#17 in Acoustic Blues

Picture for song 'E minor blues backing track jam' by artist 'Lee Harvey'

E minor blues backing track jam

Acoustic Blues

Picture for song 'Blues jam in E' by artist 'Lee Harvey'

Blues jam in E

Lazy Saturday morning nonsense, straight from my fingers to your ears (non-kinky).

Acoustic Blues

Picture for song 'Backstabbing Blues (Elevated Jam Tracks Improvisat' by artist 'Lee Harvey'

Backstabbing Blues (Elevated Jam Tracks Improvisat

Jamming to the latest Elevated Jam Tracks backing track. All improvised.

Rock General

Lee Harvey

Aberdare, WLS  United Kingdom

Blues Acoustic Blues

id: 1528820


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