I started rhyming words together when I was 7 or 8 I heard Slim Shady's "My Name Is" on the radio and the next day my mom took me to purchase the cd (She did not know about Eminem, I was into backstreet boys then). I memerized the lyrics to the entire album within a week, and still know them by heart. I just remember thinking, how could someone just put words together like that? From then on out I've always wanted to be a hip-hop artist, and over the years I've freestyled lyrics on the spot with quite a few people! This is my dream, not sure if it's worth shooting for anymore.
Yes I took 5 years of Theatre Arts in school, and after school I would make my mother drop me off at the local theatre. Aside from that, the fact is I've always enjoyed yellin lyrics at people.
Definitely Eminem. To this day he is still ahead of everyone, at 50 years old.
My Iphone 12, unfortunately.
I feel like, with a studio, I could really be someone in the hip-hop world.