vcv rack 2 free - no samples - no guitar pedals - no plugins (vst, etc.) - no instruments - no daws - no talent - just sound synthesis on vcv
closing hi hat flams_202501092203_Yh.000
think in weird segments_202501092158_Xh.000
layer hq 001_202501092211_bR.000 ooopsy trim
cymbol symbal_202501092152_TM.000
stupid turnt tiny tricks chain_202501092208_cB.000
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what is sound? what is audio? what is amplification? what is distortion? what are overtones, partials, harmonics, formants, timbres, tonalities, scales, tunings? what is music? what is noise? I don't know any of these.
Band/artist history
listening, practicing, schooling, googling, creating, recording, performing, studying, researching, caring
Have you performed in front of an audience?
yes, more of a recording artist
Your musical influences
What equipment do you use?
vcv rack
Anything else?
the disposability of sound, music, audio, noise is unfortunate. too much of inspiration relies on empty contexts, marketing, mass marketing.
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Comments (3)
I should have titled it LCM, not GCM, fwiw. I title my stuff hastily because lose my ideas too quickly if I don’t start building right away, so I tend to make mistakes there.
Yes. Google it. Perfect intervals in just scales of the past made switching keys difficult without retuning instruments. So the evenly divided 12 note scale was invented as a compromise, sacrificing perfect intervals for the practical need to change key within a single piece of performed music. Computers allow us to have the best of both worlds…sort of. Coprimes are the basis for perfect intervals. They are the literal frequency ratios that can have a more pleasant sound because the resonance between the two intervals is perfect. A whole world of tunings and scales exist to play with this balance called microtonal music. I hope that provides some googling fodder. Gaussian refers to a statistical distribution similar to that which makes a bell curve mirroring many distributions in nature. My attempt here was to make make my generative vcv patch favor lower least common multiples of the coprimes. So the 3/2 ratio / interval will come up more often than say 7/4. No room left….
This one was good. Very interesting. I could use a better explainer on the math of how you created it. Not familiar with co-primes, and is GCM the greatest common multiple? Or what...?
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