
vcv rack 2 free - no samples - no guitar pedals - no plugins (vst, etc.) - no instruments - no daws - no talent - just sound synthesis on vcv

718 songs
8.7K plays
Picture for song 'closing hi hat flams_202501092203_Yh.000' by artist 'outraethonth'

closing hi hat flams_202501092203_Yh.000

Beats General

Picture for song 'think in weird segments_202501092158_Xh.000' by artist 'outraethonth'

think in weird segments_202501092158_Xh.000

Beats General

Picture for song 'layer hq 001_202501092211_bR.000 ooopsy trim' by artist 'outraethonth'

layer hq 001_202501092211_bR.000 ooopsy trim

Beats General

Picture for song 'cymbol symbal_202501092152_TM.000' by artist 'outraethonth'

cymbol symbal_202501092152_TM.000

Beats General

Picture for song 'stupid turnt tiny tricks chain_202501092208_cB.000' by artist 'outraethonth'

stupid turnt tiny tricks chain_202501092208_cB.000

Beats General

what is sound? what is audio? what is amplification? what is distortion? what are overtones, partials, harmonics, formants, timbres, tonalities, scales, tunings? what is music? what is noise? I don't know any of these.
Band/artist history
listening, practicing, schooling, googling, creating, recording, performing, studying, researching, caring
Have you performed in front of an audience?
yes, more of a recording artist
Your musical influences
What equipment do you use?
vcv rack
Anything else?
the disposability of sound, music, audio, noise is unfortunate. too much of inspiration relies on empty contexts, marketing, mass marketing.


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