Biggie Hussein

Truck Driver; That Raps.

1 top 1
2 top 50
19 songs
1.9K plays
Picture for song 'Woman & Children' by artist 'Biggie Hussein'

Woman & Children

Hardcore Rap

Picture for song 'Talk My Shit' by artist 'Biggie Hussein'

Talk My Shit

Me Doing what I do, having fun.

Hardcore Rap

Picture for song 'Ride Ft: RoDie' by artist 'Biggie Hussein'

Ride Ft: RoDie

Hardcore Rap

Picture for song 'Drill' by artist 'Biggie Hussein'
Picture for song 'Vent (Me Shit Only)' by artist 'Biggie Hussein'

Vent (Me Shit Only)

Hardcore Rap

Biggie Hussein, the voice of the streets, back like I forgot something. The long awaited return of Biggie Hussein. Style, flow, metaphors, word play, punchlines, and hustle are just some of the things that describe this work of art. A wide range of music from something for the ladies and everyday street life. Its clearly Biggie Hussein at his best.


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