F. I. Twinkle

F. I. Twinkle is a rapper and producer whom thrives on the competitive nature of modern rap music. He likes to brag about his self produced projects! Listen!

22 songs
65 plays
Picture for song 'F. I. Twinkle - Cry' by artist 'F. I. Twinkle'

F. I. Twinkle - Cry

The most emotional of all the Twinkle club bangers, CRY is a masterpiece of rap on brilliant orchestral music and urban drums.

Hip Hop General 4/4 No samples

Picture for song 'F. I. Twinkle - Her Own Paper' by artist 'F. I. Twinkle'

F. I. Twinkle - Her Own Paper

This is another romance thriller from F. I. Twinkle. As the title suggests, its what women want.

Hip Hop General 4/4 No samples

Picture for song 'F. I. Twinkle - Fame' by artist 'F. I. Twinkle'

F. I. Twinkle - Fame

Hip Hop General 4/4 No samples

Picture for song 'F. I. Twinkle - Im Gone' by artist 'F. I. Twinkle'

F. I. Twinkle - Im Gone

Hip Hop General 4/4 No samples

Picture for song 'F. I. Twinkle - Gambling' by artist 'F. I. Twinkle'

F. I. Twinkle - Gambling

Hip Hop General 4/4 No samples

F. I. Twinkle is an American based Hip-hop/ Rap artist, and was born Ricardo Anthony Tucker in Kingston Jamaica after his parents chose the island lifestyle for privacy. Twinkle first learnt to play his acoustic guitar after receiving it as a gift from his father, for progressing to the seventh grade. He soon traded the guitar for a small keyboard after discovering Hip-hop at the tender age of 11. Before his nineteenth birthday, Twinkle was already proficient with the popular music production software and midi plugins, to the extent that he would create and arrange his own instrumentals. His love for Hip-hop further fueled his explosive freestyle sessions and thus, the birth of the artist. Inspired by a multitude of lyricists as early as Sir Mix-Allot and Slick Rick, it was the release of 50 Cent's GET RICH OR DIE TRYING that cemented his choice of career in Hip-hop. and his relocation to California USA, and now New York City. By the year 2008, Twinkle was ready to showcase his material and by chance, discovered SOUNDCLICK. The young producer seized the opportunity and uploaded 8 songs from INTERVIEWS WITH A VENTRILOQUIST, a project he had produced for the artist named THE NEGUS. With his first taste of success as an independent, Twinkle's thirst became heightened and thereby spawned the creation of the 2012 hit single ON MY UFO, the debut from his self produced F - REVIVAL compilation. The rest of this story is already history, as in 2022, the world warmly received F - CONCERTO, his second self produced studio compilation. F. I. Twinkle patiently waits to dominate your party playlists!


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