Hypnomaster UK

I am Hypnomaster UK. I'm the type of hypnotist that's known as a Hypnodom, or Hypnotic Dominant.

5 top 50
5 songs
160 plays
Picture for song 'Hypnomaster UK Live Work Sample' by artist 'Hypnomaster UK'

Hypnomaster UK Live Work Sample

Like the Scientist He is...Master experiments with various forms of hypnotic technique on this, His Official Lab Rat. Cobbled together from several different sessions, Master displays his Power to Control in this audio file.

#17 in Stories

Picture for song 'Kaa As You've Always Wanted to Hear Him' by artist 'Hypnomaster UK'

Kaa As You've Always Wanted to Hear Him

A slight "mangling" of the Classic Kipling Jungle Book Bandur-Log Vs Kaa Sequence Outside the Ancient Ruined Royal City...Voiced by My Alpha Pet. You're so used to the Disney Version: come and hear what it Really should have sounded like!


Picture for song 'New HypnoNuclear Launch -- Operation Neptune' by artist 'Hypnomaster UK'

New HypnoNuclear Launch -- Operation Neptune

Selected clips from various hypnosis sessions I've done with My Little One...she goes extremely deeply into trance for Master...


Picture for song 'Hypnonuclear Weapon One -- Operation Ivy -- Mike' by artist 'Hypnomaster UK'

Hypnonuclear Weapon One -- Operation Ivy -- Mike


Picture for song 'Hypnonuclear Weapon Two -- Operation Crossroads' by artist 'Hypnomaster UK'

Hypnonuclear Weapon Two -- Operation Crossroads


I am Hypnomaster UK. I'm the type of hypnotist that's known as a Hypnodom, or Hypnotic Dominant. Just as BDSM Masters or Mistresses take control of slaves and submissives, I use My Hypnotic Power and Will to control My Girls. Have you ever been hypnotized? Hypnosis will change the way you see the world. My world is a hypnotic world; and if I take you there, you may not want to leave it. As every hypnotic subject's Mind is Unique, you may not see exactly what you want at first....however... Come and view My Hypnotic World...and you might find you also want to be Master's Girl. Listen out for My Alpha Slave; as she both manages My Media, and will occasionally appear alongside Me, or even alone on this Artist Site.

Hypnomaster UK

Market Harborough, Leics  United Kingdom

Podcasts Stories

id: 1521207


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