Dan Urt

The Secrets of Robber's Cave
The Robber's Cave Experiment, conducted by psychologist Muzafer Sherif and his colleagues in 1954, was a classic study in social psychology that examined the dynamics of group conflict and the formation of group identity.

Horse Thief Springs
During the years following the Civil War, the Indian Nations of present-day Oklahoma were overrun by vicious and sometimes murderous outlaw gangs. Many of these individuals believed they were beyond the reach of the law at Horse Thief Spring.

By The Burrow's Grave
"Follow the trail line coming through the mountains just east of the lone hill where we buried the jack [burro]. His grave is east of a rock. This contract made and entered into this V day of March 1876. This gold shall belong to who signs below."

Towards Tupelo
J.J. McAlester's trading partners were based out of Tupelo, supplying the founding of McAlester, Oklahoma and its trading post.

Wandering the Keechee Hills
Looking for the buried gold. Ain't found nothin' yet.