The Spiral Surge

The Spiral Surge

10 top 50
10 songs
12.4K plays
Picture for song 'I Can Be Content Alone' by artist 'The Spiral Surge'

I Can Be Content Alone

A rocking beat song about being in a one-way relationship and deciding you're better off being alone.

#30 in Alt Power Pop

Picture for song 'Back When I Was A Fool (w/Jayson Dyall)' by artist 'The Spiral Surge'

Back When I Was A Fool (w/Jayson Dyall)

When you look back on your life and realize you weren't as smart or as cool or as mature as you thought you were.

Hard Rock

Picture for song 'Christie' by artist 'The Spiral Surge'


A song about being in love with a tough, no-nonsense Brooklyn lawyer but who's also a sweet and beautiful woman any man would love to be with.

Rock General No samples

Picture for song 'Run Like Wolves (Feat. Fernando Damas)' by artist 'The Spiral Surge'

Run Like Wolves (Feat. Fernando Damas)

The Spiral Surge version of a song Jay Dyall first performed with his band in the late 80s. I could describe it, but different listeners interpret its meaning differently, so I'll wait for your thoughts.

#5 in Goth Rock

Picture for song 'Kaleidoscope Sky' by artist 'The Spiral Surge'

Kaleidoscope Sky

A pop/punk rock love song that took 16 years to finally be recorded! Performed by The Spiral Surge with lead vocals by Jere LaRosa.

#30 in Pop Punk


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