High-C (8-Bit Syndicate)

Bushwick Bill wants to talk to Third Bass.

22 top 1
27 top 50
65 songs
43.5K plays
Picture for song 'Fuck, That's Delicious' by artist 'High-C (8-Bit Syndicate)'
Picture for song 'Kill Bill Gates (ft. DJ Manticore, Formaldehyde Sl' by artist 'High-C (8-Bit Syndicate)'

Kill Bill Gates (ft. DJ Manticore, Formaldehyde Sl

Do as thou wilt. Formaldehyde Slums on the lyrical guns and knives. DJ Manticore Does RZA. High-C arranged the hit. DJ ZX Spec doing basic accounting. 8-Bit Syndicate, fools. OG.

manticore /collab DJ ZX Spec (8-Bit Syndicate) /collab #1 in Nerdcore

Picture for song 'The West Coast (Mac Daddy Dave, AWOL, InJustX,' by artist 'High-C (8-Bit Syndicate)'

The West Coast (Mac Daddy Dave, AWOL, InJustX,

Ft. Mac Daddy Dave, AWOL, InJustX, High-C, Rhyme Flow. Produced by OG Don Vito, Engineered by Project K. 8-Bit Syndicate. Fuck errybody! OG Don Vito and High-C!

OG DON VITO /collab Nerdcore

Picture for song 'Playing Like An Angel (baby's acapella mix)' by artist 'High-C (8-Bit Syndicate)'

Playing Like An Angel (baby's acapella mix)

Fuck what you're talking ' bout.

#1 in Battles/Disses

Picture for song 'Brute Force Attack (Jimmy Green remix) Ft. Kool Ke' by artist 'High-C (8-Bit Syndicate)'

Brute Force Attack (Jimmy Green remix) Ft. Kool Ke

Jimmy Green remix of the title track, with Kool Keith.

#4 in Hardcore Rap No samples

I'm not Bushwick Bill. I don't want to talk to Third Bass.
Band/artist history
I have been High-C since I was an acid dealer in 1988.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Vegas, 30th anniversary of the Consumer Electronics Show was memorable...
Your musical influences
Ice-T, Chuck D, Geto Boys, Dr. Octagon. Canadian MCs, Def Jux/Anticon labels.
What equipment do you use?
A laptop, a mic, a dope producer or three.
Anything else?
Fuck the government and shitty modern rap.


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