
4 songs
204 plays
Picture for song 'Last Trail' by artist 'Mountainmanfingerpicker'

Last Trail

An instrumental tune that I compose and record it while I was sitting in the studio one time.

Acoustic Guitar No samples

Picture for song 'Western Instrumental' by artist 'Mountainmanfingerpicker'

Western Instrumental

Western instrumental recorded this song the same night it was composed on the first take I just dubbed over base and guitar part and had Pug Baker played drums to the track. Steve Grisham lead guitarist for the Outlaws Band played Mandolin on this t

Other Alternative No samples

Picture for song 'See You In Heaven ( in loving memory of my mom)' by artist 'Mountainmanfingerpicker'

See You In Heaven ( in loving memory of my mom)

My mother heard me composing this tune and she said she really liked it so after her death I dedicated this to her, in heaven, for she knew God and was ready to go.

Acoustic Guitar No samples

Picture for song 'Sounds Better Loud' by artist 'Mountainmanfingerpicker'

Sounds Better Loud

An extra metal that came out while we were sitting in the studio and we recorded it I played I'll instruments The recording engineer had me to play a keyboard part and he overdubbed it came out sounding sort of like a drone.

Rock General No samples


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