C.S.C (Chimerical Skin Cell)

Alternative/Psychedelic/Post-Punk/Noise/Industrial something. Hope you enjoy these few recorded tracks, and thank you so much for listening.

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3 top 50
6 songs
338 plays
Picture for song 'Uniform (Control)' by artist 'C.S.C (Chimerical Skin Cell)'

Uniform (Control)

#16 in Industrial Metal

Picture for song 'Endless (ft. Barricage)' by artist 'C.S.C (Chimerical Skin Cell)'

Endless (ft. Barricage)

#39 in Alt Power Pop No samples

Picture for song 'Wolves' by artist 'C.S.C (Chimerical Skin Cell)'
Picture for song 'Shove' by artist 'C.S.C (Chimerical Skin Cell)'
Picture for song 'Loyal' by artist 'C.S.C (Chimerical Skin Cell)'


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