Steve Sanchez

I am a composer and music producer based in Los Angeles, California.

7 top 50
7 songs
438 plays
Picture for song 'Blossom' by artist 'Steve Sanchez'
Picture for song 'Miles Death' by artist 'Steve Sanchez'
Picture for song 'Void' by artist 'Steve Sanchez'
Picture for song 'Belle Dame Helen' by artist 'Steve Sanchez'

Belle Dame Helen

#16 in Ensembles

Picture for song 'Drive Away' by artist 'Steve Sanchez'
I am Steve Sanchez, a composer and music producer based in Los Angeles, California. I am currently studying towards my Bachelor's in Music, with a major in Music Composition with an emphasis in Composing for Visual Media at Los Angeles College of Music.
Band/artist history
I have produced and written many original songs since the age of 14. I learned guitar starting my first few years of music and branched out to instruments such as bass, drums, ukulele, violin, flute, and piano. I have composed and written several pieces alongside scoring for student projects such as documentaries/shorts and indie short films.
Anything else?
Please message me if you have any questions.


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