
"Life is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signyfying nothing." William Shakespeare

16 top 50
22 songs
2.2K plays
Picture for song 'Orbis exterior' by artist 'Amphigory'
Picture for song 'What the hell have I' by artist 'Amphigory'

What the hell have I

Alice In Chains' "What the hell have I" simple cover with just the guitars and vocals. Kinda dirty and raw in it's sound.

#38 in Cover Songs

Picture for song 'The mark of The Devil' by artist 'Amphigory'

The mark of The Devil

A little different than some of my songs - it is way more blackmetal than deathmetal, unlike any other of my songs.

Death/Black Metal

Picture for song 'Into the void' by artist 'Amphigory'

Into the void

A message to all the lifeless leeches and snakes, I stepped on so that the space between us became a litteral limbo, on the other side of the void I'm looking in.

Death/Black Metal

Picture for song 'Demonic oppression' by artist 'Amphigory'

Demonic oppression

A short, dynamic song about the spiritual struggles. Some screams here and there, mostly low growling. Fast guitars and a vague Cannibal Corpse feel to it.

Death/Black Metal

I'm an amateur songwriter and a singing guitarist. The key to my sound is a Fenix by Young Chang electric guitar from the 80's I completely renovated... I usually play and write in standard E tuning. I also use an equalizer pedal effect for better adjustment of the guitar tone. I usually add some lows and a bit highs and reduce additional mids. I prefer simple, heavy riffs because I have to also sing (or scream rather). I write all my lyrics and music myself.


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