Jon cin

I was influenced by the world foolishly made negative music the more knowledge and wisdom I gained I use my influence for god,positivity and love

4 top 50
13 songs
68.7K plays
Picture for song 'Bottles On Deck(negative/dark)' by artist 'Jon cin'

Bottles On Deck(negative/dark)

Hip Hop General

Picture for song 'MOTIVATION(negative/dark)' by artist 'Jon cin'


Hip Hop General

Picture for song 'Cant Buy Class (MIKO-ZIKO)(negative/dark)' by artist 'Jon cin'

Cant Buy Class (MIKO-ZIKO)(negative/dark)

Hip Hop General

Picture for song 'Savage (B-BLADE)(negative/dark) UNFINISHED' by artist 'Jon cin'

Savage (B-BLADE)(negative/dark) UNFINISHED

Hip Hop General

Picture for song 'DONT CARE(Negative/dark)' by artist 'Jon cin'

DONT CARE(Negative/dark)

We live and we learn

Hip Hop General

From darkness light was created!! I am an independent artist who creates Wonderfull music some negative some positive some about my faith.i believe music is a power tool to educate and expand the minds of the youth.To me music is about expression not money or worldly things I am a man of morals and have become awakened to the evils of the industry so I choose to remain independent to have fully control of my music and not have the next man tell me what I can or can't rap about.... May love peace and prosperity be upon all who took the time to read this thank you may god grant you Many blessings
Band/artist history
I started creating my own artistic music at the age of 12.i have a passion for music.yea life is a rollercoaster so we have our up and downs but what matters is how you let that effect you make you or brake you I choose to let it make me.what dosent kill me makes me stronger with all my trails and tribulations I AM A BODYBUILDER
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I have preformed in many venues, theaters,little shows.shows with massive crowds.i have very good energy on stage the preforming give me a rush and always have the crowd jumping!
Your musical influences
Lupe fiasco,canibus,run the jewels
What equipment do you use?
I am a freelance independent artist so honestly I studio hop.i have no idea what equipment thay use
Anything else?
May peace and prosperity be apon all who this may get too


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