Witness Of His Glory
Incorporating Gospel principals and the ever-present spirit of God, the music of Michael E. Coones & Witness Of His Glory testifies of the existence of God.
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The Light Within
Rescue Me
Broken Hearts
Walk Upon Water
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Witness Of His Glory - Official Music Video "Break
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Michael E. Coones is a guitarist / Songwriter / Singer living in Orem, Utah. He has been writing original material and performing in rock bands for over 40 years. About 3 years ago, he almost lost his family and wife to his addiction to music and making the big time. He was selfish and self centered and NOTHING else mattered to him. He had always believed in God but his testimony was weak.
When the breaking point happened, he was determined to give up playing and didn't touch his guitar for over a year with the knowledge that he would never play again. He began to rebuild his relationship with God and his wife and came to realize what was truly important in his life.
One night he was on his knees in prayer and asked the Lord what he wanted him to do with the rest of his life. Up until that point in life, he had always written secular music with no thought of putting religion and music together. He soon realized that the Lord blesses people with gifts of talent, wisdom, and a ton of other things in order for them to use these talents to bring souls unto Him and to spread His gospel to those around us. It was a HUGE awakening for Michael.
So now, he has decided to use that God given talent he has to write songs, and use it for the purpose it was given. God has spoken to him and he's now listening. Out of the chaos of his sins and confusion, Witness Of His Glory has arisen from the ashes of his broken life. He has now chosen to use the God given talent the Lord has blessed him with to Glorify His name through music. The songs he has written and recorded on his own since then, are spiritual, Christian, melodic rock.
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