Satanic Jehovah
Satanic Jehovah is a post-industrial rock and electronic music project, produced and recorded by musician/vocalist Benjamin Denson of Danville VA, USA
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Down In the Wells
"Money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace & conspire against it in times of adversity." -Abraham Lincoln
Buried Alive
This Is a Song Written, Recorded and Produced By Satanic Jehovah Featuring Brenda Lawson Mintie as DJ Marionette. She Passed Away, But the Song Lives On. I Love You, BB Doll! See You on the Other Side!
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Yoda: Featuring the Song "One In the Grave" (By An
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Satanic Jehovah is a post-industrial act that includes raw, power-slamming, high energy, in-your-face, angry, harsh, frustrated, seething sound scapes with a nice balance of heavy beats, electronic arrangements, scorching vocals, sampled guitars & great hooks: A nice package for fans of hard industrial music! - Brenda Mintie (Formerly of Cleveland, Ohio's, U.S. Rocker Magazine)
Your musical influences
All Of My Heroes Are Dead Now.
What equipment do you use?
Mr. Huberty? Yes, God? Wouldn't Happen to Have Any Power Tools?
Anything else?
Benzo Benson; Born 9/7/1975 in the Town of Wreck of the Old 97. EvillanD, VA. Everybody Loves a Train Wreck! 979797.
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Comments (1)
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered." -Thomas Jefferson
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