Kajsa Ohman

Picture for song 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' by artist 'Kajsa Ohman'

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Acoustic General

Picture for song 'Legend' by artist 'Kajsa Ohman'
Picture for song 'Il Sole Mio' by artist 'Kajsa Ohman'

Il Sole Mio

Acoustic General

Picture for song 'I Wonder As I Wander' by artist 'Kajsa Ohman'

I Wonder As I Wander

Acoustic General

Picture for song 'Boom Boom' by artist 'Kajsa Ohman'

Boom Boom

Light, joyous. Having a wedding? Just starting school? About to get that new job? Tonight's the night? Then this song is for you, and the 'boom boom' is your heart right now, just thinking about it.

Acoustic General

Picture for song 'The Bottom of the Fifth' by artist 'Kajsa Ohman'

The Bottom of the Fifth

Bilingual--English and Spanish. Alt. title, ESTO JUEGO DEL AMOR. Real pretty and slightly out of control, as befits the theme.

Acoustic General

Picture for song 'High, Wide and Handsome' by artist 'Kajsa Ohman'

High, Wide and Handsome

A fast-moving roll-along song of female love and glory.

Acoustic General

Picture for song 'Love In The Treetops' by artist 'Kajsa Ohman'

Love In The Treetops

This airy, soaring ballad tells of a maiden going mad over the loss of her true love.

Acoustic General