
Mystic101, is an American rapper, singer and songwriter.

1 top 50
7 songs
90 plays
Picture for song 'Call' by artist 'Mystic101'
Picture for song 'Fireworks' by artist 'Mystic101'


On “Fireworks, Mystic101 talks about what it means to love someone even if it means risking everything’s he’s got.

Pop Rock 159 BPM No samples

Picture for song 'Speedway' by artist 'Mystic101'
Picture for song 'Playing With My Emotions' by artist 'Mystic101'

Playing With My Emotions

Positive Vibes

Picture for song 'Broke My Heart' by artist 'Mystic101'

Broke My Heart

Positive Vibes

I am a rapper, singer, actor, and YouTuber based in Orlando, FL. I was originally born in Buffalo, NY.
Band/artist history
I got to where I am today because of all my supporters. I also really like music so I just thought that being an artist would be a perfect fit for me.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I have not performed live yet, but that's on my to-do list.
Your musical influences
I would have to say that my biggest influences have to be my grandparents because they were the ones that mostly raised me and cared for me.
What equipment do you use?
Right now I just use my phone and computer to make my music until I get another mic. My last mic that I had was broken when it was shipped to me.
Anything else?
I would just like to say thank you to everyone who has supported me through this amazing journey. I love y'all.


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