The idea of creating a new formation el12 Opole Politechnic Band was born in February 2010 after the Opole - Beijing New Year's concert organized by the Confucius Institute at the Opole University of Technology. The originator and host is Przemyslaw Slusarczyk. The name of the team is closely related to two institutions that support this project. These are the el12 Sp. z o. o. and Opole University of Technology.
Over the years, the composition and profile of the band have changed several times. The debut took place on March 20, 2011 in the Okr?glak Entertainment and Sports Hall (today's Stegu Arena).
Currently, el12 Opole Politechnic Band is a concert group whose musicians are recruited from the Opole University of Technology Orchestra and the brass bands of Opole "Elektryczniak" and Grudzice. This group organizes concert series: "Musical impressions - a series of traveling concerts", "With an orchestra around castles and palaces" and two large cyclical events: "Opolski Ekspres D?ty" and "With an orchestra around the Oder" - original projects of the bands' conductor.
These last three events were awarded the distinction - Best Tourist Product of the Opole Voivodeship 2013. In 2020, "Opolski Ekspres D?ty" received the Opolska Marka 2019 award in the "region promotion" category.