Electric Zen Band

.V-Drums + all VST Instruments: Felix(zen)Fannoy

75 top 50
118 songs
6.9K plays
Picture for song '162 - Could You Tell Me The Exit Please' by artist 'Electric Zen Band'

162 - Could You Tell Me The Exit Please

V-Drums Roland TD17 KVX2 + all VST Instruments: Felix(zen)Fannoy..Pics: Felix Fannoy

#9 in Jazz General

Picture for song '160 - Dark Dance' by artist 'Electric Zen Band'

160 - Dark Dance

V-Drums Roland TD17 KVX2 + all VST Instruments: Felix(zen)Fannoy..Pics: Felix Fannoy

Jazz General

Picture for song '154 - Hope -' by artist 'Electric Zen Band'

154 - Hope -

V-Drums Roland TD17 KVX2 + all VST Instruments: Felix(zen)Fannoy

Jazz General

Picture for song '159 - Champagne !' by artist 'Electric Zen Band'

159 - Champagne !

V-Drums Roland TD17 KVX2 + all VST Instruments: Felix(zen)Fannoy

Jazz General

Picture for song '151 - Bad Swing' by artist 'Electric Zen Band'

151 - Bad Swing

V-Drums Roland TD17 KVX2 + all VST Instruments: Felix(zen)Fannoy

Jazz General

Batteur ne trouvant pas de groupe qui s'exprime via cubase 14 (sauf la batterie qui est réellement jouée) Toutes les compositions sont de moi.


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