
The main soundclick page of Fal$etto the rapper! Recently beat cancer after having entire stomach removed in 2022. Healing up great! loves music! Like, Follow

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130 songs
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Picture for song 'Forget Me Not (Produced By Trinity Tyson Beats)' by artist 'Falsetto'

Forget Me Not (Produced By Trinity Tyson Beats)

Released Single: 2013 Appears On Mixtape: Quarter Moon(2014) Produced By: Trinity Tyson Beats/Fal$etto

Falsetto /collab Trinity Tyson Beats /collab Hip Hop General

Picture for song 'Keep Up (Produced By Blasian Beats)' by artist 'Falsetto'

Keep Up (Produced By Blasian Beats)

Released: 2016

Hip Hop General

Picture for song 'Solo (Produced By Keanu Beats)' by artist 'Falsetto'

Solo (Produced By Keanu Beats)

Hip Hop General

Picture for song 'Nocturnal (Produced By AndreOnBeat)' by artist 'Falsetto'

Nocturnal (Produced By AndreOnBeat)

Song Title: Nocturnal Instrumental Producer: AndreOnDaBeat (Garden Instrumental) Album/Mixtape: Single Date Written: April 26th 2022 Lyricist: Fal$etto Or Ryan C. Gentrup Purchased License To Use Instrumental

AndreOnBeat /collab Alternative Hip Hop

Picture for song 'Mad (Produced By Mr.Kooman)' by artist 'Falsetto'

Mad (Produced By Mr.Kooman)

Released: 2019 Artist: Fal$etto Lyricist: Fal$etto Producer: MrKooman Available on Itunes, Amazon, Spotify & more search "Fal$etto" as the artist. Purchased Instrumental, I can provide the license.

Mr.Kooman /collab Hip Hop General

When In Doubt By Fal$etto
My artist rap name is Fal$etto I mix and create the sounds artist and musicians sing and rap too or I create my own. Iv published over 160 songs some of which, the instrumentals were produced by me. within the past 14 years Iv been writing, rapping & producing. I do have some college experience in News reporting, journalism and creative writing as well. Iv performed on stage as a rapper in my own hometown Omaha Nebraska. I was also invited to a show in Southern Texas once to open up for Snoop Dogg with C-Styles but I pretty much burned that opportunity due to life issues and hard times in my early 20s. My musical company is called Trinity Tyson Musical Productions which breaks down into a few sub groups one being Trinity Tyson Beats which concentrates on Hip-Hop / Rap Instrumentals and other Genres mainly for song writers. I also create jingles and help record other up comming artists work. I sometimes producing my own instrumentals in which I rap on as well. Iv had ALOT of experience in this Career field and love learning new things about it. I still have a business set up on Soundclick but my last upload was years ago. Current rap artist name: Fal$etto NOTE: I have a license for many of the instrumentals used in my songs, many I produced myself. I can show proof of licensing if prompted. Some songs I have remixed over the instrumental with the tag still in the song. These are for promotional purposes of the producer and used in a karaoke fashion protected under parody laws. All lyrics are written for entertainment purposes only and do not reflect actual views or persons involved. I have written the lyrics to all my songs. In 2017 Iv signed up for Beat Brokerz and is now online currently selling instrumentals for song writers and jingles for directors on there as well. Current official rap artist name: Fal$etto Lyrics: I write my own lyrics on every song. Some lyrics in my older songs are pretty explicit but are for entertainment purposes and do not reflect my actual persons or my life. Some things I say because it appeals to the audience.
Band/artist history
I use to listen to alot of great rappers when I was younger. I also loved singing as well but never actually learned how to sing. My father and my grandmother use to love to sing, so when I was a child I sort of absorbed that trait from them listening to them sing along to their favorite songs. My music career first began in creative writing back when I was in middle school. I had this infatuation with this girl and I wanted to express myself in words, probably seen some romantic movie at the time and wanted to emulate it. From there on I had already been a big fan or Rap, Hip Hop, R&B & Pop then to rap and hip hop but mostly loved R&B and Jazz, those are my two favorite genres. I started with loving Rock n Roll, but it moved onto pop as I got older. My first official rap song I think may have been late 2010... and my first official Mixtape was "Birth Of A Travisty" by Yung Travisty(my old rap name 2011). Believe it or not I no longer have access to this mixtape anymore because it's so old and when Datpiff mixtapes went through web renovations the mixtape was almost impossible to find? Till this day I have not had access to my own first mixtape in years and havn't heard a single song from it since. My latest mixtape in 2023 was "Trinity Pt. 3". I get alot of critisim on my music, and I hear from more then those who like me that I'm not that great of a rapper and singer but I still make music and rap because it's fun and I love doing it. As you can tell I'v progressed through 6 mixtapes so far and soon I'll get bored and want to make another one. Your always welcome to listen or not, otherwise I'll still be here making this music! Hope you enjoy! Give some songs a chance, I always had editing issues, otherwise alot of these songs would of sounded incredible, if it sounds like the verse is off I swear it wasn't me!
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Yes, I performed twice in my own home town. Once on 72nd in a dive bar back in 2012 & again downtown Omaha at a club once known as the TAZA, The DJ that night was a familiar DJ in Omaha and also an old good friend of mine DJ Ivan
Your musical influences
I just love rapping. Iv always loved rap music, hip hop, R&B, Pop, most music in this area but I love all music almost. Note: I know Im not the best rapper & I know my singing can sound horrible trust me Iv heard it all before and I ignore it cause to me I just love to rap, Im in it for the love not the fame or success.
What equipment do you use?
Logic Pro X, Logic Pro 9, Garage Band, Papers, Safire Amp, $400 mic, Mac, Other Audio Equipment including a high quality keyboard
Anything else?
My artist rap name is Fal$etto. I'v changed my rap name multiple times over the years. My other official rap names are "Lyrical Mystery(2011), Young Kristopher(2012), Character(2012) Mr Falsetto(2013), Mr Fal$etto(2014) Fal$etto(2015) and for a short time Mr Mp5 (2019) but it was changed back to Fal$etto because that name had the most views.


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