Second Coming

Richmond, VA  USA
October 30, 2021
39,780 plays
Influenced by old school hard rock. Our trademark is heavy bass and screaming guitar.
Band/artist history
Played throughout Southern California including many of the clubs in the Los Angeles/Hollywood scene. It was a big long party and had a blast! Now concentrating on writing new material and studio recording.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Back in the day played at many of the rock clubs in Los Angeles/Hollywood including Troubadour and Viper Room.
Your musical influences
Old School Hard Rock/Heavy Metal - AC/DC, Judas Priest, Metallica, Ozzy. Early influences were the 70's hard rock bands like Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Alice Cooper and Ted Nugent. Also a big fan of Hot Tuna.
What equipment do you use?
Bass - Jack Casady Signature Bass and Wolf 7 string bass through Ampeg amp. Electric guitar - Custom Les Paul through a Fender amp.
Anything else?
Currently working on new material so keep coming back for more songs!
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