Jay Torantino

I'm a young artist mainly interested in hip/hop but I really love to discover and explore with my music. Let's see where It takes me

18 songs
31 plays
Picture for song 'Facetime' by artist 'Jay Torantino'
Picture for song 'Girlfriend' by artist 'Jay Torantino'
Picture for song 'Callin'' by artist 'Jay Torantino'
Picture for song 'With You' by artist 'Jay Torantino'
Picture for song 'Truth Or Dare' by artist 'Jay Torantino'

Truth Or Dare

Hip Hop General

Shariff Kabunga Justin Maphempeni most commonly known as Jay Torantino is an artist emerging in the South African Hip-hop scene. He was born (13 November 2003) Torantino's mother played a pivotal role in influencing his music. Her love for artists such as Lil Wayne, Kanye West, Drake and other Hip-hop artists were shared to her son including artists such as Michael Jackson and Bruno Mars. At the tender age of 8 years old he started rapping but it was only at 15 years old that he took it seriously. Today his discography is growing as he finds inspiration from his journey as a young man but most importantly as a young artist from South Africa. Various freestyle videos on platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and YouTube gained him a modest amount of listeners and viewers. Today the artist is gaining stage experience and creating many more projects as he is on a journey to the main gates of the music industry.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Yes, I have performed live in front of an audience. my first time was nerve racking but I realized the moment you infront of a lot of people, I shouldn't think about myself and give people what they came to see.


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