The Gloomy Ghouls

Spooky surf romps /New Wave/Rock Halloween tunes

1 top 1
5 top 50
7 songs
2.1K plays
Picture for song 'Im the wolfman owwwoooo' by artist 'The Gloomy Ghouls'

Im the wolfman owwwoooo

Dont walk through the woods on a full moon night!

#12 in Surf Rock

Picture for song 'I Ran out of Candy' by artist 'The Gloomy Ghouls'

I Ran out of Candy

Trick or treating gone wrong

Surf Rock

Picture for song 'Draculas Jam' by artist 'The Gloomy Ghouls'

Draculas Jam

Draculas favorite jam

Surf Rock

Picture for song 'A Gloomy start........' by artist 'The Gloomy Ghouls'

A Gloomy start........

A preview of things to come! Something spooky is about to happen

Surf Rock

Picture for song 'The Arrival' by artist 'The Gloomy Ghouls'

The Arrival


Surf Rock

The Gloomy Ghouls can be heard on, storm surge of Reverb radio show and on most streaming platforms
Band/artist history
Created in a laboratory by a mad scientist The Gloomy Ghouls create a horrible sound with no remorse..
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Have been known to play for mobs of people carrying torches
Your musical influences
Blood curdling screams....distant howling....full moons.......dark nights name a few
What equipment do you use?
My left arm was from a classical guitarist my right foot came from a drummer my right hand is from a bass player and my head was from an opera singer also a Fender Stratocaster
Anything else?
On Guitar -Count Strat-u-la


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