Phoenix Records Label

1 top 1
9 songs
468 plays
Picture for song 'God Dealer by GOD DEALER' by artist 'Phoenix Records Label'

God Dealer by GOD DEALER

"God Dealer", new Dark Trap single by the American band GOD DEALER from Texas. "No Matter How Bad Life Treats you there's always a big chance you end up laughing last at the ones who felt touched by Gods hand and made you feel like shit" (GOD DEALER

Trip Hop

Picture for song 'Chunka (by TEXMEX SHAMAN & ONE BLIND MOUSE)' by artist 'Phoenix Records Label'


"Chunka",new psychedelic alt rock / shoegaze track by TexMex Shaman from Dallas.Thks to One Blind Mouse for bass and post production/engineering. "I don't know if it's just in Texas we say "chunk" if you wanna throw something in a general direction.

Psychedelic Rock

Picture for song 'Vimana by TEXMEX SHAMAN' by artist 'Phoenix Records Label'


This is the last single by TexMex Shaman from Dallas. In April 2021 this track got an exceptional result (on a SubmitHub campaign) of 17 positive notes on 18

Psychedelic Rock

Picture for song 'Newly by TexMex Shaman' by artist 'Phoenix Records Label'

Newly by TexMex Shaman

This is "Newly", a new Alt Electro-Rock and Psychedelic single by TEXMEX SHAMAN with some groovy sounds. It entered directly 15th at the Alternative / Indie Top 50 Chart. 20.670 streams on spotify, 1220 plays and 75 reposts on soundcloud

Psychedelic Rock

Picture for song 'Scheau by TexMex Shaman' by artist 'Phoenix Records Label'

Scheau by TexMex Shaman

In March 2021 "Scheau" was ranked 23th at the Alternative / Indie Top 50 Chart for 3 consecutive days. Super hit on spotify with 35930 streams, 5650 plays and 45 reposts on soundcloud

Psychedelic Rock


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