Axe FX Metal Clip
f*** Yes
my good friend and drummist extraordinaire jai on drums, and for guitars it was my mark IV through a rivera silent sister iso cab. sennheiser 421 for a mic, through an api 512c pre to a fireface800.
Splawn Pro Mod Clip (warmer mix)
heaps of people thought the previous mix was a bit too sizzly/brittle on the last mix, so i tamed some of that. just a subtle difference though.
PRS Clip
chain for this clip : prs with bareknuckle crawler > d.a.m. red rooster > mark IV > palmer pdi 03 > fmr rnp > rme ff800.
Bogner Uberschall + Palmer PDI 03 clip.
Down Again Clip
Mesa Mark IV > Palmer PDI 03. Using the palmer direct into pre.. guitar tracks have urs a series eq on them.
hung out with mister boyd at his cambridge residence for a day and a bit. thort it turned out pretty well.
Probably the closest ive got to having a 'sound'.called in sick on this shitty rainy monday (just cause i can get paid for it and prolly with never have the opportunity to do it again). i liked it :)
The Strange
i really like this song, dynamic, and heaps of vibe. and heaps of delay :p