The FLUKES comprising of Martyn, Dave and Mike on ukes Richard on bass and Roger on percussion

1 top 1
5 top 50
42 songs
1.5K plays
Picture for song '50 years of Loving You' by artist 'The FLUKES'

50 years of Loving You

Acoustic song written for a very special occasion

Acoustic General

Picture for song 'Ill See You in my Dreams' by artist 'The FLUKES'

Ill See You in my Dreams

A solo recording by just Martyn, trying this out. Recorded just using the iPad GarageBand played on my 8 string ukulele

Acoustic General

Picture for song 'Sloop John B_Live' by artist 'The FLUKES'

Sloop John B_Live

Recorded live on the 27th April 2024. Gupshill Manor. Tewkesbury. Glos. UK

Acoustic General

Picture for song 'I’m the King of the Swingers' by artist 'The FLUKES'

I’m the King of the Swingers

Recorded live on the 27th April 2024. Gupshill Manor. Tewkesbury. Glos. UK

Acoustic General

Picture for song 'Dedicated Follower_Live' by artist 'The FLUKES'

Dedicated Follower_Live

Recorded live on the 27th April 2024. Gupshill Manor. Tewkesbury. Glos. UK

Acoustic General

A ukulele group complete with bass and percussion. We grew from just a duo of Martyn & Peter recording during lockdowns to now with 2 more ukulele players and Bass and Percussion. We play at various charity organisations/events and private parties. Peter is absent at the moment recovering from a stroke
Band/artist history
Started out during first lockdown doing a few song with Peter as a Uke duo, we were then asked to join up with Roger ( percussion) and Richard (bass) to form the Flukes. Peter unfortunately had a stroke so I asked Dave and Mike to join us to add to the overall sound. I occasionally record songs as a solo artist. Most of our recordings are either live using a Zoom recorder or through Audacity on the lap top, although the latest was using Garage Band on the IPad.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
We love performing live thats what we do, with many performances in local pubs, care homes etc. its always a plus when the audience join in or even dance
Your musical influences
We try lots of different music although country and acoustic recordings work best on the Uke
What equipment do you use?
We play different ukuleles and have a bass and percussion. We record using zoom, audacity or garage band so nothing sophisticated, and as we are doing this for fun it will do
Anything else?
It was great to be able to share some of our music with this community


Cheltenham and surroundings, ENG  United Kingdom

Acoustic Acoustic General

id: 1475966


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