YaHuWaH Rapha

John 3:30-36 KJV He must increase, but I must decrease. He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth:

2 top 1
40 top 50
41 songs
6.3K plays
Picture for song 'for Such a Time as This.' by artist 'YaHuWaH Rapha'

for Such a Time as This.

Music Talk No samples

Picture for song 'Walking on Water' by artist 'YaHuWaH Rapha'

Walking on Water

ABBA YHUH, who has believed Our Report?

#2 in Music Talk

Picture for song 'faith will make you Whole.' by artist 'YaHuWaH Rapha'

faith will make you Whole.

According to your belief let it be to you.

#4 in Religious No samples

Picture for song 'My set-apart Benediction.' by artist 'YaHuWaH Rapha'

My set-apart Benediction.

Music Talk

Picture for song 'Shama YashrAL' by artist 'YaHuWaH Rapha'

Shama YashrAL

If you dont understand Earthly Matters, How shall you understand Heavenly.

Yashaphah Yahuw /collab Music Talk No samples

Im a follower of the way, YAHUSHUA HaMashiyach. The Truth, the Way, the Life.
Band/artist history
I started reading the book of psalms and the writing of King David. An i felt inspiration.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Its such a rush, and a huge joy to see the joy and emotion of the audience reactions.
Your musical influences
My hero and savior is YAHUSHUA the Anointed One! the Mashiyach.
What equipment do you use?
I use the Ruwach HaQadash, the Holy Spirit of Truth.
Anything else?
Repent for the Kingdom of YAHUAH is at Hand. Hand, Behold, Nail, Behold. ????


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