Portune Conspiracy
Melodic alternative rock with personal vocal lyrics, multi-layered guitars. Influences include Tool, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Deftones and similar.
top 50
Blurred Truth
Deceptively dark lyrics set against upbeat heavy guitars, with swing-feel bridge breakdown.
The song is one of my most technical compositions to date, with multi-layering of heavy and atmospheric guitars underpinning reflective lyrics (hence the song title).
Final Stand
Soft minor key verses with heavy choruses. Multi layered guitars and dynamic changes.
Cuts in Paper Sky
Multi instrumental counter parts (everything from a harpsichord to distorted guitars) contrast was what I was aiming for, also includes key and time signature changes
Shifting Sands
An immensely personal son with multi layered vocal and guitar harmonies with Moog atmospheric outro and accents. Alternative/ambient rock.
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Band/artist history
I started playing in a band with friends when I was a teenager, recording EPs and playing live. Ive developed my style by playing in my home studio and am a fan of several guitar sounds and effects that, for me, help me express through music the emotion I had when writing.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Yes - I played in a band for many years, recording EPs and playing live shows. I enjoyed live performance and the rawness of it, as well as the energy.
Your musical influences
Major influences include Tool, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Deftones. However, I was a classically trained pianist and jazz trombonist.
What equipment do you use?
Epiphone Les Paul with Seymour Duncan pickups, Epiphone SG and Fender Telecaster. Tobias bass guitar (AP with Ernie Ball strings). I record with Studio One software and Neural DSP plug-ins.
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