
Hello! I am Bulb! Enjoy the tunes!

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Picture for song 'Tres Clean AxeII 2.0 Clip' by artist 'Bulb'

Tres Clean AxeII 2.0 Clip

A clip showcasing a clean patch i made with the Axefx II with the 2.0c update.The main riff is actually from the "Just Because" video i uploaded to the Periphery Youtube page.

Metal Riffs and Licks

Picture for song 'Tres Heavy AxeII 2.0 Clip' by artist 'Bulb'

Tres Heavy AxeII 2.0 Clip

A clip showcasing a distorted amp patch i made on the Axefx II with the 2.0c update! Used my EBMM JP7 with the original Dimarzios for this clip and the Das Metall amp model through the German cab and 57 mic with a T808 OD Drive block.

Metal Riffs and Licks

Picture for song 'Axefx II Clean Test' by artist 'Bulb'

Axefx II Clean Test

Testing a clean patch i made with the Axefx II. Used my Decibel Javelin 7 string for this test which has a BKP Aftermath set in it.

Metal Riffs and Licks

Picture for song 'Axefx II High Gain Test Clip' by artist 'Bulb'

Axefx II High Gain Test Clip

A quick clip i whipped up to test the Axefx II in a recording. God this thing sounds incredible, i seriously spent about 10 minutes on this patch, and it sits PERFECTLY in my preexisting mix. Cant wait to actually spend time with the unit!

Metal Riffs and Licks

Picture for song 'Mayones 8 String Test Clip' by artist 'Bulb'
This is music I have written. Some of these songs are for my band Periphery: www.myspace.com/periphery, and some are just for my solo project Bulb: www.myspace.com/iambulb, or dont have a place yet. Currently in Washington DC playing out with my band and attempting to make a career out of these projects! I have also started recording bands, so if you are interested please contact me!
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I play live locally with my band Periphery! Check us out at www.myspace.com/periphery and add us if you like us! We are always trying to get gigs so if you need a band to fill a slot we will do it!
Your musical influences
Lots of things lately: Allan Holdsworth Tosin Abasi, Jeff Loomis, everyone from Meshuggah of course hehe, Dillinger Escape Plan, John Petrucci, Gojira, All the boys in Sikth have waay too much talent and need to send some my way ASAP, Ion Dissonance, Brett Garsed, Guthrie Govan and Mattias Eklundh are aliens from the same planet and I intend on proving it!! and anything else that is "out there" and different, but for more than just the sake of being "out there".
What equipment do you use?
PC, DFHS 1 and 2, AxeFx, Podx3, Presonus Firepod, Rme Fireface 400, Presonus Eureka, SM7b, Access Virus Ti Polar, M Audio BX5a, Nuendo
Anything else?
This is music for your enjoyment, so please check it out. Feel free to download away and make as many cd's as you need for yourself and your friends. All i ask in return is that you spread the word!


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