
Expressing the inexpressible

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Picture for song 'Louis Couperin: Préludes non mesurés: 6' by artist 'Stripedgazelle'

Louis Couperin: Préludes non mesurés: 6

#9 in Baroque

Picture for song 'Louis Couperin: Préludes non mesurés: 1' by artist 'Stripedgazelle'

Louis Couperin: Préludes non mesurés: 1


Picture for song 'Nicolas Lebègue: Suite du 7e ton' by artist 'Stripedgazelle'

Nicolas Lebègue: Suite du 7e ton

00:00 Prélude 01:53 Dessus de Tierce ou Cornet 03:55 Voix humaine 06:47 Duo 08:37 Cromhorne en Taille 11:06 Basse de Trompette 13:49 Dialogue 16:50 Plein Jeu


Picture for song 'Titelouze: Ave Maris Stella' by artist 'Stripedgazelle'

Titelouze: Ave Maris Stella

#6 in Renaissance

Picture for song 'Nicolas Lebègue: Ou s’en vont ces gays Bergers' by artist 'Stripedgazelle'

Nicolas Lebègue: Ou s’en vont ces gays Bergers

Where are those happy shepherds going?


I'm Nobody! Who are you? Are you - Nobody - too?
Band/artist history
I have never taken an interest in popular trends, hence I have of necessity accepted a life of obscurity. I studied piano with Fritz Berens, organ with Dr. Linton Powell, and harpsichord with Dr. Lenora McCroskey.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I have performed many times in front of an audience, especially for churches, but I much prefer recording -- there are far too many distractions in rooms filled with restless people!
Your musical influences
Alexis Weissenberg, Glenn Gould, Leopold Stokowski, Wilhelm Furtwangler, Jean Titelouze, Johann Sebastian Bach, Johann Pachelbel, Fritz Berens, Louis Couperin, François Couperin, Philip Glass, Jean Sibelius, Anton Bruckner, Emily Dickinson
What equipment do you use?
My recordings are made with a TASCAM DR-100MKIII. My harpsichord is a Franco-Flemish built by Gerald Self in 2020. The organ I use is the Allen digital ADC-3000 at First Christian Church in Brady, Texas.
Anything else?
The explorers seek happiness in finding curiosities, discovering new lands and undergoing risks in adventures. They are thrilling. But where is pleasure found? Only within. Pleasure is not to be sought in the external world. Ramana Maharshi


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